Over the years, I have been approached by a number of people who only wanted to be attuned to Reiki for self-healing purposes.

Whether you are thinking of using self-reiki

  • to alleviate chronic or acute physical conditions
  • as gentle complementary help for challenging physical treatments you are already receiving
  • as a simple, natural, nurturing way of supporting existing treatments of emotional problems,
  • or for help at times of deep spiritual crisis,

Self-Reiki is an invaluable tool you can use either on its own or to complement treatments given by your Practitioner.


The SELF-HEALING course is taught over two x 3 hour sessions, ideally on separate days. Same-day sessions are possible  (eg 9.30am-12.30am & 2.00pm-5.00pm), but you may find a whole day's teaching quite tiring. 


The course includes:


  • Discussing what Reiki is about.
  • two 45-minute hands-on treatments from me
  • two Attunements (formal 'connection' to Reiki)
  • practising how to use self-reiki optimally
  • Reading material (including illustrations)
  • tea/biscuits

One-to-one teaching is always more expensive than workshops, but a) it allows us to address your personal needs/issues exclusively, and b) you receive a 45 minute treatment from me at each session, which obviously is just not possible with groups.

If a carer / loved one is with you, they are welcome to stay for most of the time.

If the person needing self-reiki is a child and you, the parent, are not already attuned to Reiki, you might find doing the course yourself very helpful. I will be happy to discuss this with you.


If once you feel better you would like to learn how to give treatments to other people yourself, all you would need is an extra 3-hour session and you would get your Reiki 1 Certificate.


If you have already been attuned to Reikibut have lost your confidence because you haven't used it for a while, I do offer 'Refresher' Courses for the Self Healing part as well. This should only take one x 2.5 hr session (please bring your Reiki Certificate or proof that you have been attuned in person by a Reiki teacher)

FEES for the whole Self Healing course are as follows:

One-to-one: £180 

Two close friends/ relatives : £125 each 




I highly recommend regular use of Self Reiki to everyone, and still use it every single day myself, sometimes several times a day, as it helps me so very much, both personally and professionally.

Here is an example of the power and versatility of Self Reiki




In the spring of 2009 I was giving myself Reiki when I noticed that my right hand kept being drawn to my left breast/armpit and felt very hot - a standard response for places that need healing.

 After 3 or 4 weeks of this repeated pattern, I visited my GP and asked her to examine my left breast. She didn't find anything abnormal.

  Back home however, things hadn't changed: my hand kept being drawn to the same place and was burning hot, but this time I also noticed that one of the lymph glands in my armpit had swollen up. 

 I made an urgent second appointment with my GP, mentioned to her that I was a Reiki practitioner and strongly felt that something was wrong. 

 Alerted by the swollen gland, she gave me another examination and this time did feel something. As the tumour was an unusual (leaf) shape, even I could not really feel it through touch either. I was only able to pick it up energetically, through Reiki.

 A few weeks later the results came back and yes it was cancer, a rare and aggressive form called 'micropapillary'.


During the operation that followed, 6 lymph nodes were routinely removed from my armpit. All full of cancer cells. Not great news...

  I was promptly given scans of my whole body. To my astonishment and relief, although the cancer had clearly started travelling, 'oddly' it hadn't travelled any further than the lymph nodes. No trace of it was found anywhere else in my body...


When I emerged from the operation, being the inveterate 'Reiki explorer' that I am, I took this golden opportunity to investigate the effects of self-Reiki on pain. I told myself I wouldn't be stupid, and would ask for painkillers as soon as I needed them. Well, to my surprise and delight, thanks to -I admit!- very intensive self-Reiki, I didn't need ONE painkiller... Not one, either at the hospital, where the other ladies in the ward were given some every few hours, or during the recovery weeks back home. No pain was felt.

 But that wasn't all...


 Due to the very aggressive nature of this particular tumour, it was agreed that I would receive chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal treatment. On the whole I managed to deal with the news reasonably well, but one Sunday night, about a week before the start of chemo, I admitted to myself that I was rather anxious about the chemo part. 

 Barely a few minutes after this important acknowledgement, I suddenly realised and announced to my partner- that I 'didn't have cancer', by which I meant the 'I' that I had spent so long reconnecting to and developing, the 'spiritual I', my spirit, my soul, whatever you like to call it, OF COURSE didn't have cancer!..... the cancer was only cells playing havoc in a specific part of my body, and could in no way ever contaminate my Inner Self..... 

 This simple insight was a turning point in both my personal and professional lives as it caused a huge  shift in my whole attitude towards illness. FEAR (the great killer) had simply vanished out of the equation. 

 From that moment on, the Soul/Healer part of me was, calmly and lovingly, able to nurture my body through the poisoning hell that chemo is..

 .. while the Teacher part of me, as soon as it was able to, used this experience and invited my Reiki students to practise on me (in all my bald glory!) and overcome their own fear of this sadly increasingly common illness. 

So now you can probably see why I think so highly of and am so grateful for Self-Reiki. Not only did it in my case 
  • detect the cancer
  • (almost certainly) stop it from spreading any further 
  • exceed all my expectations as a painkiller
  • but even more importantly, help me face my worst fears and reach an enduring sense of Inner Peace.


If my time to go back to spirit had come, Reiki would not have helped me recover, for the simple reason that Reiki never interferes with anyone's Karma, but it would have helped me COPE with all the challenges of that period, given me invaluable inner Peace, and made me feel very loved and supported indeed.

As it happens, I believe I was meant to survive that serious cancer episode so I could share with my students / clients the deep sense of compassion and serenity it undoubtedly gave me. 




   'REIKI for LIFE'

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